Our mission is to liberate autoimmune patients through the curative potential of cell therapy.
A new era of CAR T-cell therapy
Kyverna is pioneering a durable disease-clearing approach aiming for deep B cell depletion, an immune system reset, and long-term remission in autoimmune diseases.

Bringing the transformational experience of cell therapies to autoimmune diseases
We believe the success of CAR T-cell therapies in B cell-driven hematological malignancies can be leveraged to deliver therapeutic benefits in patients living with autoimmune diseases.
A patient-centric approach
We are a patient-centered, clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company with active, ongoing clinical trials for multiple autoimmune diseases at different locations across the world.

How does CAR T-cell therapy work?
Cell therapy holds the potential to reset the immune system after a single infusion, aimed at achieving long-lasting, treatment-free remission.
01: Patient’s blood is collected and white blood cells (including T cells) are separated.
02: T cells are altered so that they can recognize, attack, and destroy the B cells.
03: Altered T cells are returned back to the patient via an intravenous infusion.
04: The CAR T cells attack B cells, including unhealthy B cells with the goal of helping to control, reduce, or reverse the disease.
05: The aim is for the body to replenish with its own healthy B cells.
Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapies
Autologous (KYV-101 and KYV-102) and allogeneic
Disease Target
B cell-driven autoimmune diseases
Clinical Trials
Lupus nephritis Multiple sclerosis Myasthenia gravis
Stiff person syndrome Systemic sclerosis
Clinical trials
Participation in clinical trials is the best way to access our investigational product. Kyverna may consider requests for expanded access when alternative therapy options have been exhausted.